If you are having issues logging in to ETHICS we won't be able to help you - we are sorry for that.
You login to ETHICS using your university credentials which are maintained by Coventry University. We do not have access to view or change any passwords.
Here are some things you can try:
1. Reset your password
Please follow the steps in the below link on 'How to reset your password'
Please carefully read the options available and select the step that applies to you.
If you are a student, please go here:
If you are a staff member, please go here:
2. Clear your browser cache and refresh the page
The 'cache' is a tool used by your internet browser to speed up the page loading process.
However, sometimes it can cause a problem when websites are updated and developed as files saved in the cache may conflict with what's actually coded into the website.
For information on how to clear your browser cache visit this web page.
3. Request a secure login link
If you are still having issues logging in after resetting your password and clearing the browser cache, you can request a secure login link from the Research Ethics and Integrity team via
ethics.uni@coventry.ac.uk. You will need to have a registered for an ETHICS profile and activated it before you can request a link.
Do you have a technical issue or have you spotted a bug or has the system raised an error message? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, please alert our technical support team by raising a support request.
If you have a question relating to your ETHICS checklist, please raise this with your supervisor or Faculty Ethics Administrator. Contact information for the Faculty Ethics Administrators can be found on our contact page
Please note: we cannot assist with any login issues you may be having, please refer to the Login Issues Guidelines for details of how to get help with this.
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